

Silouette of sheeps on the dyke at sunset
Seafox 2 by night
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Autumn is here
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Photo-16-10-2020-18-51-27-scaled.jpg
Aye aye drone captain!
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Photo-22-09-2020-19-25-28-scaled.jpg
Watching the sunset on a ferry
The Ameland lighthouse, commonly known as Bornrif
The 86 metres superyacht Aquijo, worth over $85 milion
A beautiful sunset behind this buoy
This Nuon power plant supplies Tata Steel with energy
This windmill (Cornwerdermolen) was built in 1907, it originaly drained two polders
Sailors ready to anchor
Beautiful colors in the sky after sunset
The longest day of 2020 had a great sunset
Time for a swim on top of this deck?
I waited and I waited until I could see this colorful sunset
By chance spotted a group of roe deers with my drone
Sunset after a beautiful Ascension Day in Den Helder
Jet powered pilot boat Draco at full speed towards a cargo ship in the North Sea
Some Shetland ponies and an American style windmill in the heart of Friesland
I’ve made a photo collage of some colorful flowerbeds in the Den Helder area, don’t you just love it?
In the year 1234, this village received city rights and is therefore older than Amsterdam. This is Harlingen (The Netherlands)

Which way do you go?

Horseback riding on the beach, it was a nice sunny day

Cargo containers with stuff for the offshore rigs, the shadow looks like a skyline of a big city

Fallen leaves in an abandoned swimming pool

A day after winterstorm ‘Ciara’ and the mighty North Sea damaged the dunes of Den Helder

MS Princess Seaways leaves port of IJmuiden to Newcastle

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